Short Stories
The wind is howling. The house is creaking. Slices of wind sneak inside through cracks, openings, windows, and doors. The house shakes and moans. Sections of the roof is being ripped away. The electricity is out. There is no power. Candles flicker in the spasmatic wind. Sisters and brothers all huddle together beneath the kitchen table. Mother is close by looking worried, praying the Rosary. Father is about doing the useful, capable, necessary things to hold the wooden walls together. The flickering St. Joseph candle illuminates mother’s countenance as she says the Hail Mary. Glimpses of Father’s emotionless stone face are caught as the hand-rolled cigarette is lit within cupped hands. There is no fear reflected in his eyes, only interruption to the family tranquility. Inconvenience is unnoticed. There is only the awareness of the absence of time. ‘When will this be over.’ The eyes of the children reflect anticipation but confidence that Dad will protect them. Mother’s concern was dissipated with full faith in Father’s strength, will, and determination. All is right here. The world is as it is. The Hurricane passes.
Money, power, greed, love, lust, family secrets, hidden aspirations, all intermingled with foreign terrorism spinning a tale of intrigue.
A financial dynasty endures.
A family prevails.
A surprising individual’s strength emerges.
“In the final analysis you are alone.”
Flavia, a young Italian girl conceived in Palermo, born in America, journeys to maturity through a transformative country. Accompanied by love, faith, and persistence, with her brother, husband, aunts, and other family and friends she endures the hardships of life. Sharing and finding joy with all she encounters.
Together they wander through a maze of death, illness, gambling, horses, ships, and women. Intertwined with the greed and seduction of those about her to survive in this new land, she endured through inherent innocence, goodness, love, and faith.
The men in her life, a stately father, a carefree brother, and a stoic husband greatly influenced her demeanor and outlook on life. Without failure with the never-wavering belief and faith in the Blessed Mother, she continued and always derived and shared hope, kindness and happiness.
Through diversity and difficulties, she is persistent with a never-give-up attitude. Always looking for and expecting the best in people and events.
(It’s always too soon to give up.)
Summoned to a distant Galaxy in a troubled Universe by a strange being, a man from the present, a man from the future, and an Indian girl from the past are transported to a flexible time of creation to right a wrong. With the aid of a beautiful entity they encounter the Rainbow People to dissuade them from the self-destruction of Liberation.
The ego driven Constructors in defiance to the Creator of All in an attempt to erase their mistake created the Liberation shield and its false religion.
The evil Gravament planet, the hideous Keeper, the dreaded Dogalaks, and the monstrosity of a Living Brain, must be overcome.
The birth of self-determination and free-will as divinely intended by the Creator is the result for all life.
Freedom is everything.
Before the Moon was in place.
Before the Earth had cooled.
They came.
The Creators to harvest the early Earth and impact with mankind – the hu-mans.
Molding and manipulating humanity to the chagrin of the First Ones. It was left to a modern-day Adam and Eve to right their wrong.
Creators, First Ones, Ancient Ones, Lunar Ones contributed to an ever-changing developing world and its primary lifeform- the Hu-mans.
Free will was to dominate and all was to yield to the One and Only Creator of all.
$Entrepreneur Communication$ to Communicate Is—to Succeed
An entrepreneur takes the calculated risk in the internal cost-benefit analysis and gathers the factors of production—labor, land, and capital—to generate a self-sustaining profitable business. To gather these resources, including the people necessary to succeed, effective communication is required. The ability to inspire and motivate others to join in the vision is crucial. Whether it is to acquire their labor, intellect, capital, or simply their beliefs and cooperation, the talent to convey the vision via written and oral media will assist in achieving success.
Persistence, determination, attitude, and the ability to communicate are the keys to success.
All communication be it business, government, personal is between people. The ability to convey thoughts, ideas, information, and motivation is the key to achieving progress and success. Managers of organizations have the basic job of gathering and distributing information, motivating and inspiring team efforts toward a goal, and making decisions. Internal communication takes place within people in an organization, owners, managers, supervisors, and employees. External communication takes place among the company and outside people, customers, vendors, and creditors. Effective communication is essential to accomplishing these goals.
Communication skills—both written and oral—are learned skills achievable by all. They are the keys to success, and all business leaders possess them.
All our communication skills—oral and written—and power come from learned behaviors, awareness, and observations of others. Whether it is to inspire, motivate, or acquire cooperation and involvement in an investment appeal, credit application, or sales presentation; to communicate in a clear, understandable manner will greatly contribute to success.
Effective communication is positive and assertive. It influences the audience in a mutually beneficial way that creates the “you win, I win” scenario. This ability will share the vision and inspire others to work with you rather than for you.
“To understand is hard. Once one understands, action is easy” (Sun Yat-Sen).
Entrepreneur Communication accompanies the others in the series The Entrepreneur’s Edge I & II—Finding the Money; Economics, Entrepreneurship, Ethics—The E’s of Business; The Entrepreneur Manager—The Business Man’s Business Plan; and The Entrepreneur’s Guide—To Start, Grow, and Manage a Profitable Business to help fill the toolbox of every entrepreneur and manager.
The Entrepreneur’s Edge II
There are many reasons for business failure, chief among which is management. Invariably, entrepreneurs / business owners usually blame outside forces for their shortcomings or ill luck. Often the very traits that lead them to launch an entrepreneurial enterprise are the traits that lead to the final demise of their dreams. The internal locus of control and “if it’s going to be it’s up to me” attitude that entrepreneurs possess and acknowledge as a factor of success is rejected as a contributing factor of failure.
The reason for trouble and a resultant failure is most often attributed to the lack of capital and the lack of the ability, knowledge, and capacity to obtain capital both in the form of debt and equity and, most prevalent, the lack of positive cash flow.
This book will help the entrepreneur who may be well versed in a given field, expertise, or industry to fill the ever-present task of constantly seeking required capital. In addition to the increasing management, communication, and people skills that the perhaps technically talented enterpriser must soon master is the realization that he/she must also always seek capital if the business is to survive and grow. Capital, working capital, positive cash flow is the lifeblood of the business. Without it, there is no growth, no survival, and no life. In the entrepreneur’s enthusiasm, the zeal to achieve the vision, the exhilaration and activity of the moment, the need for money, and a timely positive cash flow are often overlooked. They are the very life force of the business, the oxygen for the venture, without which it will die.
The Entrepreneur’s Edge ll will assist the planning necessary in finding the money, raising the money, making the money, and keeping the money. It, along with the accompanying books in the series (The Entrepreneur’s Edge: Finding the Money, The Entrepreneur Manager: The Business Man’s Business Plan, The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Start, Grow, and Manage a Profitable Business, and Economics Entrepreneurship Ethics : The “E’s” of Business), helps to fill the toolbox necessary for every entrepreneur and business manager.
$Economics, $Entrepreneurship, $Ethics
Economics, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, three subjects one does not often see addressed in one book. Yet upon reading and studying the different treatments, an overlap can be perceived and the interrelation of the three becomes evident for a successful business.
The entrepreneur cannot live in isolation. To be successful and start, grow, and manage a profitable business with sustainability, he/she must be cognizant of all the factors that may impact (favorable and unfavorable) the business. In this regard a true internal locus-of-control, a firm belief that “if it is to be it is up to me” must exist. It is not enough to be expert in a particular line of business or trade. One must know the business-of-the-business. In so doing a working knowledge of the environment in which the business is to survive is essential. Besides the technical knowledge which may be necessary for operations, and besides the sales and marketing acumen possessed, the financial language of the business must be understood and constantly analyzed and monitored. As does the economic conditions of the market, industry, country, and the world; for all will have an effect on the future and success of the venture. Constant attention must be paid to government regulations and legislation. Ethical considerations and behavior must always be in the forefront of decision-making.
In the final analysis the true entrepreneur is all alone. No matter how many key employees are hired, business partners and investors are acquired, advisors and consultants are made available, the founder and perhaps the CEO and COO for an extended period of time, can never delegate ultimate responsibility. It is therefore necessary to always be working on the business and not simply working in the business.
A business person, founder, owner, manager, entrepreneur certainly does not deal with economics, entrepreneurship, and ethics in isolation. They are interwoven and necessary for every productive decision made.
This book, $Economics, $Entrepreneurship, $Ethics, accompanying the others in the series, $The Entrepreneur’s Edge – Finding the Money, $The Entrepreneur’s Manager – The Business Man’s Business Plan, and $The Entrepreneur’s Guide – To Start, Grow, and Manage a Profitable Business, helps to fill the tool box necessary for every entrepreneur and business manager.
“Entrepreneurship is based upon the same principles, whether the entrepreneur is an existing large institution or an individual starting his or her new venture singlehanded. The rules are pretty much the same, the things that work and those that don’t are pretty much the same, and so are the kinds of innovation and where to look for them. In every case, there is a discipline we might call Entrepreneurial Management.”
Peter Drucker
$$$ The Entrepreneur’s Guide
To Start, Grow, and Manage a Profitable Business
In his book The Right Stuff, Tom Wolfe describes what it took for the early test pilots to succeed:
“A career in flying was like climbing one of those ancient Babylonian pyramids made up of a dizzy progression of steps and ledges; and the idea was to prove at every foot of the way that you were one of the elected and anointed ones who had the right stuff and could move higher and higher and even-ultimately, God willing, one day-that you might be able to join that special few at the very top, that elite who had the capacity to bring tears to men’s eyes, the very brotherhood of the right stuff itself.”
Although success as an entrepreneur launching a new business does not include feeling superior or facing death, it does require that a person have a special set of qualities and skills with which to exercise good judgment, make wise decision, take calculated risk, and get along with and lead others.
The $$$ The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Start, Grow, and Manage a Profitable Business provides what it takes, what is the right stuff for the successful entrepreneur.
The most successful entrepreneurs are not necessarily those who work hardest or longest. Successful business owners are those who have a vision that can see beyond the bottom line, who have learned to manage their professional and personal lives. Making it with a new business venture requires all the traits of an entrepreneur as enumerated in $$$ The Entrepreneur’s Guide, as well as the knowledge, skills, and persistence to grow and withstand the stress, ambiguity, conflicting objectives, emotions, and chaos that comes with a new business effort.
Achieving this balance is what $$$ The Entrepreneur’s Guide is about. It will help you steer a path to guide you with the right stuff to the top of the pyramid of business success.
Order a copy now
$$$ The Entrepreneur Manager
Too often business owners experience much difficulty in transitioning from founding entrepreneurs to working business managers. They may possess extensive knowledge and skills in their industry and field, yet have little awareness of the “business of the business”. The everyday, mundane operational, monitoring, and human relations skills are not what inspired and motivated them to launch their dream enterprise. But the “devil is in the details” and these management necessities are what will keep the venture afloat and prospering.
Many businesses born of a feasible idea and a good market opportunity do not survive the start-up launch and the subsequent entrepreneurial obstacles which never seem to go away. They often remain in such a survival mode until failure. No matter if they endure three, five, or ten years, without a successful transition from entrepreneur to manager, the ten years or so of experience is really only one year experience ten times over.
The Entrepreneur Manager – The Business Man’s Business Plan will assist with this transition and the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling; all essential to manage a growing, profitable business. It is the entrepreneur manager’s business plan and hands-on tool.
This book will help the entrepreneur who may be well-versed in a given field, expertise, or industry to fill the ever-present gap of constantly seeking required capital. In addition to the increasing management, communication, and people skills the perhaps technically talented enterprisers must soon master; is the realization that he/she must also always seek capital if the business is to survive and grow. Capital, working capital, positive cash-flow is the life-blood of the business. Without it there is no growth, no survival, and no life. In the entrepreneur’s enthusiasm, the zest to achieve the vision, the exhilaration and activity of the moment, the need for money and a positive timely cash-flow is often overlooked. They are the very life-force of the business; the oxygen for the venture without which it will die.
The Entrepreneur’s Edge will assist the planning necessary in finding the money, raising the money, making the money, and keeping the money.